About Us

Record breaking cold temperatures and unprecedented heating costs have got more and more people thinking about what they can do to lower their utility bills. Here is a short list of what products and services we can offer you and your clients.

Closed Cell Foam

  • R6.8 per inch

  • After 1 ½” creates vapor barrier

  • Completely air seals all stud cavities

  • No mold, smoke, pest, dust, or air infiltration

Wall Spray Cellulose - For the same price or less than it costs to install fiberglass batts we can install a product with significant advantages.

  • Cavities are completely filled with no voids or settling

  • Helps prevent pests

  • Slows flame spread in the event of a fire

  • Excellent sound control

  • Mold resistant

  • Resistant to air infiltration

  • Made of 80% recycled content - Manufactured in WI

  • Installed at a maximum of 35% moisture content - Safe to hang drywall at 25% moisture content - Typically ready after 24 hours

Dense Pack Cellulose - all of the advantages of damp spray, but typically used to retrofit homes. Dense-packed cellulose doesn't settle, because it can't. It's installed at twice its settled density, which means that it's under slight pressure in the wall or ceiling cavity.

Blown Cellulose and Fiberglass - Used in attics to create a blanket of insulation.

Fiberglass Batts - The industry standard - We use GreenGuard certified products with up to 40% recycled content.

Advanced Air Seal - We caulk all touching studs, penetrations, top and bottom plates, and use a 1 part R5 per inch closed cell foam that will not bow windows and doors.

Owner/Operator Installers

  • Over 30 years combined experience in the building trades

  • Offer Turn Key insulation installation

  • Keep up to date on new building products and techniques

  • Suggestions and recommendations on the best and most cost effective ways to insulate your projects.

  • We’ve insulated everything from airplane hangars to ice fishing shacks